Browse Employees

Access: Staff level users do not have access to this screen.

To view a list of department employees:

  1. On the main navigation menu, click Employees > Browse Employees.
  2. The Browse Employee screen opens displaying department employees.


Browse Employees Screen


  1. Employees you manage display as a blue link. Click the employee name to view information on their employee profile.
  2. If you are the employee's primary manager, you can view and edit information on the General and Secondary Associations tabs. The HR tab is read-only.
  3. If you have a secondary manager relationship with an employee, you can view limited information on the General tab and edit information on the Secondary Associations tab.
  4. Click Change Filter to refine or expand the employee list. You can filter the list by facility, department, skill, groups, employment status, and department association (primary and/or secondary).
  5. Click Associate Employee to create a secondary relationship with an employee in another department.
  6. Enter First name, Last name, Skills, and/or Employee Type to search for employees.
  7. Click the checkbox next to the employee name.
  8. Click Associate to create a secondary department relationship with the employee.
  9. Employees associated with a secondary department are identified by an [S] icon that displays next to their names on secondary department schedules,  daily rosters, and the staffing dashboard..
  10. To remove an employee's association with this department, click the Unassociate link and confirm your choice.  
  11. The employee will no longer be listed as a candidate to be assigned on the department schedule.    
  12. If the employee has an existing shift on the department schedule, the [U] icon will identify them as unassociated staff.
  13. Click Add Employee to search existing profiles or to create a new employee profile.
  14. The bottom row of the Browse Employees table displays the number of primary and secondary employees associated with the selected department.

Column Definitions and Terminology

Column Name

Definitions and Terminology


A person working in the selected department.  Them employee may have a primary or secondary association to the department.

Primary Skill

The primary position the employee fills, such as: RN, LVN, RT, ST.

Secondary Skills

Any other skills the employee is capable of doing outside of their primary skill


Employee type: Core, PRN, C/L, WPS, etc.


Employed by the facility on a full-time or part-time basis.


Staff hired to work as needed or per diem

Contract labor (C/L)

Staff contracted to work for a specific period of time.

Weekend Plan staff (WPS)

Staff hired on a weekend option plan


The portion of one Full Time Equivalent the employee is hired to complete. For example, 0.5 equals half an FTE or 20 hours per week. To indicate any guaranteed hours for contract labor staff enter the FTE value of the guaranteed hours (Travelers or Local Contract).


Typically the employee's hire date.


Used to determine the seniority of the individual employee in the department.


Termination date

RN License

License date imported from the Global Human Resources (GHR) system. A read-only field used for calculating job experience. 


Is this the employee's assigned Primary department or do they have a Secondary association that allows them to be scheduled in this department when needed.


Employees can be assigned to department defined groups or as desired to re prioritize employee names.

Phone #s

Employee phone numbers.


Click the Unassociate link to remove an employee's secondary association with this department.


Additional Information

Searching for an Employee

Adding an Employee

Viewing the Employee General Information Screen

Editing Employee Information


      Facility Scheduler